Our Vision

Games by gamers for gamers


We started DanDy games because we love to play and make games! We love that gaming brings people together and we wanted to be apart of that again for other gamers. So on a drive from San Francisco to San Diego for San Diego Comic Con in 2015 we decided to start working on games on the side to bring awesome gaming moments to the world. 

We are starting with mostly board games, but we'll see where this goes!

People often ask us where we got the name DanDy Games from. It stands for Dave and Duncan or Duncan and Dave, we specifically never want to know which it really is, so we go by DanDy Games or DanDy Games Studios.


Duncan Curtis   

Game Designer & Founder

David Ferrantino

Executive Producer & Founder

DunDraCon family pick! We're gamers through and through 

DunDraCon family pick! We're gamers through and through